Energy Savings % Indoor Vs. Window R/F
A/C is Off 
Excluding Summer Energy Savings
Definition of Columns in the table
B = Average Outdoor temperature (temperature of Window R/F's Condenser).   
C = Average Indoor temperature, 70 F or higher (temperature of Indoor R/F's Condenser). 
D = Average temperature inside the R/F (set constant at 29 F). 
Ti = C - D = Temperature difference between the Indoor R/F's evaporator and condenser. 
Tw = B - D = Temperature difference between the Window R/F's evaporator and condenser.  
G = Energy Savings % assuming that both R/Fs have the same COP (efficiency).  
G = (Ti - Tw) / Ti   Unlike Column H, it does not include the higher efficiency of  window R/F. 
H = Energy Savings % taking into account the higher COP (efficiency) of the window R/F. 
H = 1 - (Tw x Tw) / (Ti x Ti)  Unlike column G, it includes the higher efficiency of window R/F. 
Fahrenheit B C D Ti Tw G H
JAN 30 70 29 41 1 95% 95%
FEB 33 70 29 41 4 90% 95%
MAR 39 70 29 41 10 76% 94%
APR 48 70 29 41 19 54% 79%
MAY 57 70 29 41 28 32% 53%
JUN 70 70 29 41 41 0% 0%
JUL 74 74 29 45 45 0% 0%
AUG 71 71 29 42 42 0% 0%
SEP 62 70 29 41 33 20% 35%
OCT 51 70 29 41 22 46% 71%
NOV 39 70 29 41 10 76% 94%
DEC 31 70 29 41 2 95% 95%
Average Energy Savings %      49% 59%
Exact same as above except in Celsius
Celsius B C D Ti Tw G H
JAN -1 21 -2 23 1 95% 95%
FEB 1 21 -2 23 2 90% 95%
MAR 4 21 -2 23 6 76% 94%
APR 9 21 -2 23 11 54% 79%
MAY 14 21 -2 23 16 32% 53%
JUN 21 21 -2 23 23 0% 0%
JUL 23 23 -2 25 25 0% 0%
AUG 22 22 -2 23 23 0% 0%
SEP 17 21 -2 23 18 20% 35%
OCT 11 21 -2 23 12 46% 71%
NOV 4 21 -2 23 6 76% 94%
DEC -1 21 -2 23 1 95% 95%
Average Energy Savings %      49% 59%
Exact same as above except in Kelvin
Kelvin B C D Ti Tw G H
JAN 272 294 271 23 1 95% 95%
FEB 274 294 271 23 2 90% 95%
MAR 277 294 271 23 6 76% 94%
APR 282 294 271 23 11 54% 79%
MAY 287 294 271 23 16 32% 53%
JUN 294 294 271 23 23 0% 0%
JUL 296 296 271 25 25 0% 0%
AUG 295 295 271 23 23 0% 0%
SEP 290 294 271 23 18 20% 35%
OCT 284 294 271 23 12 46% 71%
NOV 277 294 271 23 6 76% 94%
DEC 272 294 271 23 1 95% 95%
Average Energy Savings %      49% 59%